Many will point to the Stimulus package, while others will point to the equal pay equal work act. Others will point to town halls, bigger government and bailouts.
He has done all of these. This is probably the most active President in years. He has built a reputation for being a President willing to tackle a large number of tasks, chew gum and walk to Air-force One at the same time. While President Bush spent nearly 30% of his term on vacation--our current President has not been that inactive.
The Health care bill will probably get through the Senate...though weakened by the opposition and moderate democrats and the President's next big task...a jobs bill. Next year a Jobs bill and Afghanistan will be his top priorities.
The Republican minority don't have the votes to stop him but they have moderate democratic allies who are willing to slow him down. This President will need to work fast and furious next year, a mid-term election year, to get some of his agenda accomplished. If the Senate picks up just one seat in the Senate...expect little to get done in 2011 thru 2012.
The opposition will have a filibuster minority and will embolden moderates to help. Harry Reid will probably be forced to change majority rule to 55, thus making it necessary for a filibuster to get 45 votes--rather than the current 40 votes.
I think Harry needs to even go further and change the rule to say that 51 votes can get legislation passed--thus making 49 the magic number for filibuster. Wow, majority rules...who would have "thunk it", the Senate actually working like a democracy.
So, has it been a good year for the President--I would say it has. His agenda has picked up steam though it has hit some bumps...but next year will be the watershed moment for his Presidency. Hopefully, he will unfurl the sails and hit minimal headwind as he heads towards the end of 2010. However, watch for the storm in November--it may just turn that sail boat into a dingy for 2011.