"They're gonna pull the plug on grandma" exclaimed the Senator on a hot August day to a crowd of people there to chant, rant and ask questions. Then a few days later when Senator Grassley was asked on MSNBC if he would vote on the Health Care Bill if some Republicans joined him, his response was the "death" kneel to bi-partisanship. He said that if he could not get more than 4 republican votes for the bill then he would vote against it. He was then asked if he would vote against it even if the liked the bill? He replied that he had responsibilities to his party to vote against it, even if he liked it.
Senator Enzi, one of the so called "gang of six" who the President mentioned was working on a bi-partisan bill, indicated this weekend that he would not vote for the bill under any circumstances. Today, the President's press secretary says Obama was surprised that bi-partisanship was a now nearly an impossibility. While, moderate and "blue dog" democrats wanted bi-partisanship, the left wing of the party did not believe the Republicans were negotiating in good faith and the events of August proved that point.
After the President met with Tom Daschle, he made it clear that the Democratic Party would end up going this alone and using reconciliation if they had to. Now it is all too clear, there will be a Health Care Bill--one with Democrat stamped all over it.
How did it come to this? What forces caused this to happen? The hijacking of the Republican party by demagogues and extremists have propelled this result forward. This was inevitable. I saw it coming a couple of weeks ago, when Grassley put bi-partisanship on it's final breath...my theory is now coming to fruition. What is my theory? Well, here goes.
It all started in a backroom before the Health Care Debate became front and center. Republican party leaders met in a room to discuss their direction. Now, there are no camera's or recordings of the event to back me up but I believe the discussion and meeting did take place. The question before these leaders was, "how do we thwart Health Care Reform for all?".
Then the plan was hatched.
Look, one of he leaders said, the Dem's want bipartisanship as a hallmark of this bill right? All agreed. Then let's offer amendment after amendment, water down the bill so it is more to our liking. Then when the watered down bill comes up for a vote, we all vote against it--even if we like it--we vote against it. Then when the Dem's push it through, watered down by our amendments, we take credit for it. That's right, we tell the people that the bill that they passed was a Republican crafted bill and if it hadn't been for us, the bill in it's final form would never have been forged--thanks to the help of our "blue dog" brothers. Our popularity will go up, the left will abandon the President and the "blue dogs" will go down in flames come the election in 2010. The left wing will doom the "blue dogs"--after all why vote for a "blue dog", you might as well have a Republican in that seat. The people in the room looked at the unnamed Senator and smiled. "Brilliant!" they all exclaimed.
In fact, the poison pill in the bill was on about page 435 of the House bill, submitted by a republican about reimbursement for doctors if they have the conversation about end of life issues, such as living wills. Sen Issakson, Republican is the one who submitted the amendment and everyone on the committee voted for it. Not one Republican dissent--wonder why?
It was part of the plan. In fact, when "killing grandma" was front and center of the town hall debate, Issakson was no where to be found to support his own amendment. He kept quiet about it. Not a peep.
Read the news...see as the events are moving in accordance with the Plan. However, the "grandma" death panel crowd was not something these backroom planners expected and are the now the reason why this "brilliant plan" might be unraveled by the Democratic leadership. The plan, while brilliant, was working until they pushed too hard in August.
Right now, we are where we are and the plan is struggling.
Some Republicans are already starting to crack, some even calling for the President to start over, others saying they will repeal the legislation. Senators McCain, McConnel and others are asking for a restart, a redo, they are hoping a referee throws a flag and they get the down over. My sense is that those reasonable Republicans who covered themselves with ideological rants are now indicating that the "plan", while brilliant, is failing and they may get left out of being part of a historic bill.
There is hope that there will be a vote in September. I think those same back room Senators are huddling over another plan--this time on how to stop the shift in pubic opinion which will surely come when a strong Democratic only bill is passed.
If the bill is strong then everyone will win, including Republican constituents--but GOP leaders are in a backroom right now, planning and plotting...trying to come up with another "brilliant" plan to thwart the vote because no one deserves health care unless an insurance company provides it. The bad news for them is that the August is over and so are the town halls.
How do we get back control of the Health Care Reform initiative? All Democrats have to do is pass a strong public optioned bill and reduce the 168 republican amendments as much as possible. Then they push the bill through using reconciliation and see how many Republicans take the high road when it passes.
If there is a vote to filibuster, then let's watch the filibuster live on TV. Then watch public opinion turn on the conservatives for being an obstacle to health care reform, reduction of premiums and unimpeded coverage for all.
Is the Public Option really dead?