Friday, November 20, 2009

One more step...

As the days wind down for 2009, the question that is entering the political mind is "what has President Obama accomplished during his first year?"

Many will point to the Stimulus package, while others will point to the equal pay equal work act. Others will point to town halls, bigger government and bailouts.

He has done all of these. This is probably the most active President in years. He has built a reputation for being a President willing to tackle a large number of tasks, chew gum and walk to Air-force One at the same time. While President Bush spent nearly 30% of his term on vacation--our current President has not been that inactive.

The Health care bill will probably get through the Senate...though weakened by the opposition and moderate democrats and the President's next big task...a jobs bill. Next year a Jobs bill and Afghanistan will be his top priorities.

The Republican minority don't have the votes to stop him but they have moderate democratic allies who are willing to slow him down. This President will need to work fast and furious next year, a mid-term election year, to get some of his agenda accomplished. If the Senate picks up just one seat in the Senate...expect little to get done in 2011 thru 2012.

The opposition will have a filibuster minority and will embolden moderates to help. Harry Reid will probably be forced to change majority rule to 55, thus making it necessary for a filibuster to get 45 votes--rather than the current 40 votes.

I think Harry needs to even go further and change the rule to say that 51 votes can get legislation passed--thus making 49 the magic number for filibuster. Wow, majority rules...who would have "thunk it", the Senate actually working like a democracy.

So, has it been a good year for the President--I would say it has. His agenda has picked up steam though it has hit some bumps...but next year will be the watershed moment for his Presidency. Hopefully, he will unfurl the sails and hit minimal headwind as he heads towards the end of 2010. However, watch for the storm in November--it may just turn that sail boat into a dingy for 2011.

Friday, November 13, 2009

All or Nothing

Enough already! Progressives, this all or nothing mentality is injurious to our nation and the uninsured. There are those that say President Obama needs to take an LBJ stance and twist arms to get a progressive Health Care Reform bill out of the Senate. Then they go and talk about FDR and how made some tough decisions during a crises and changed the national culture by moving forward with the "New Deal". However, its time to look at today's political climate and realize that if FDR was in office today...getting Social Security passed would be much more difficult today.

Back in 1934, FDR had a democratically controlled Congress. Democrats were in line with one, not even moderates, were against his agenda. However, he called Congress into special session and made them pass 15 pieces of legislation during three months of being holed up in Congress. Secondly, Republicans were willing to work and put their name on the legislation by voting for it. In today's partisan environment, Republicans won't vote or consider Health Care Reform and conservative democrats have reservations about voting for the bill, despite thousands of uninsured in their districts and states.

Obama's Congress is nothing like FDR's and getting legislators to work for the countries best interest is hard to find. Only one Republican in the House voted for the bill. Thirty-nine Senators in the Senate, all of them Republican have sworn to vote "no". One Republican is thinking about it and about a handful of conservative Democrats are wavering against it--one has even declared that he may block the Senate legislation from being voted on.

Give President Lyndon Johnson credit for knowing one thing: delaying legislation and just letting it sit on a desk allows opposition to organize against it. He pushed and twisted legislators to get to quickly on the floor for a vote. Obama was aware of this bit of history and tried to get it through by setting deadlines--but unfortunately Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid didn't learn this lesson or take the President's deadline seriously enough to push it through. Thus, we got the town hall meeting "shout downs', the death panel arguments and millions of dollars spent on opposing advertising. The opposition was allowed to organize.

Due to false arguments and opposition organization, the legislation is watered's not progressive enough and now one House Democrat has thrown the legislation into jeopardy.

However the consensus for the legislation is that, while it is not bold enough, it is something that will still be historic.

Progressives need to continue the fight but don't make it a "all or nothing" proposition. Why? Because this may be the last time Health Care Reform will get this close to passing both Houses. If it fails again, it will take two or three generations before our politicians take it up again. If it fails again, you will see moderate democrats become an extinct species and the partisanship fever will continue to get hotter and hotter.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When does it make sense to stop.

As the President began to continue his speech, he turned his head to his left and then a shout from the Republican side of the well could be heard. "You lie!" The entire body of legislators stopped, some of them booed the catcall and others turned in disbelief. Never had anyone in history ever called the President of the United States a liar during a joint session of congress, while the President was speaking. The cat-caller was later identified as Representative Joe Wilson.

His heckle is significant because it demonstrates that the ugliness that the right wing is beginning to show. What is also beginning to show is why most Americans have tried to distance themselves from their type of governance. This didn't begin with Barak Obama's election, it has been festering since Bill Clinton was elected. The right wing including Republican leaders and others have been attacking any Democratic President since 1992. It all began after Bill Clinton became president.

When Clinton was in office, he was investigated time after time--each time nothing was discovered and the President was exonerated. It cost taxpayers millions of dollars of investigations. He was even impeached but even that failed.

The right wing began to trash talk the President...the most vocal was Rush Limbaugh. However, it was in check due to the Fairness Doctrine. When the Republicans took the House and the Senate, Clinton made the mistake of signing a bill to repeal the Fairness doctrine. That repeal gave birth to a slew of attacks from radio and television. The Hannities, O'rielly's, Savages and Fox News were given a life of their own.

It got so bad that Clinton even called into Rush Limbaughs show to complain about the vitriol being spewed. A right wing organization went as far as to charge the President with Murder, drug running and money laundering. They even produced a video called "The Clinton Chronicles". It fed the fears of the gullible...and those same gullible people are being targeted again. When George W Bush was in office, not a peep from the right...they kept silent because they had a Republican white President.

Now the Beast has been woken up...and they are at it again. Only this time, they are more virulent, violent and racist. They hide behind the issues but extol cries of Socialism, Marxism, Nazi-ism and some just cry "I want my country back".

Have we gone this far to be pushed backward? It looks like there are American's out there who want to go back to a time they were fond of...the days in the 50's when Jim Crow ruled the land. As Americans we can't let the right take control of he direction we are headed in. We can't let them steer us so far right that everything we have worked for will come crashing down. They want the status-quo. They want our health care to be status quo. They voted against stimulus for hard working American's. They voted against the Cash for Clunker program. They are planning to vote against energy legislation, wall street reform, bank reform.

They will vote against their own interests to keep the fat cats rich and richer. Those gullible 9-12-ers, birthers and tea baggers don't see that they are being had in the biggest scam by the rich in history. The only people to get rich from denying American's Health Care are the fat cats in the insurance offices who take home 12-30 million dollars a year.

They only people who get rich from quashing financial reform are the employees of wall street who average $700-thousand dollars a year. Yet middle and lower class gullible citizens who have no health care, don't have any stock and work in manufacturing or are retired are fighting for the the super rich at the expense of their own well being.

Why would they do this? Because they have a passion inside them that is so strong, it is dwarfing their security...the passion is built on their idea that an African American President is not worthy of being a first class citizen. The old southern racist ideas have risen to the top of the pot and we all see it. Why did Joe Wilson have the cajones to call the President a liar, in front of millions of people? Because Joe Wilson, member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and voter to support the confederate flag on top of the South Carolina State Capitol, considers the President a 2nd class citizen. He was saying to the President "Hey Mr. Uppity President, you are lying and I don't care who hears me."

He is now being considered a "hero" to those on the right. It's time to call them out on this. If we don't, we will stop going forward and start heading backward. If the right isn't reminded of it's responsibilities, this type of activism will only lead to further polarize the electorate and diminish the Presidency for years to come.

Next: The Destroyer of Health Care Reform is Max Baucus

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It was a game winner...

The President took to the lectern and gave a serious pep-talk to the progressives and moderates of his own party on Wednesday. He not only laid his plan but also told American's what his plan is not. He tried to dispel the myths and untruths, while the Republican party sat, disrupted and at one point heckled the President by calling him a liar.

While the hissing, sometimes the jeers is expected at these sort of events, the heckler who called him a liar did something that has never been done at an event where a President has spoken to Congress. This wasn't just a heckle, it was a disrespectful act against the President by a member of Congress who just happens to be a member of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans organization. This act alone will not only do damage to the congressman's effort to run for re-election but it will undoubtedly do irreparable harm to the Republican Party. The Party was seeing a surge as of late but now that millions of Americans saw what the party has become--on national TV--that surge is over.

The approval rating for the President's health care plan went from 49% to 63% and the approval for the Republicans went from 36% to 29%...all of this in one night, after one powerful speech and after one hideous display of childishness.

Representative Joe Wilson apologized later but admitted that he was forced to. He also never admitted he was wrong about what he was accusing the President of and in fact continued to perpetrate the untruth. Wilson claims that HR 3200, the Health Care Reform Bill approved in one of the house committees allows for illegal aliens to take part in some of the benefits of HRC when the truth is--there is a provision which specifically says Illegal aliens do not get to take advantage of the benefits. He, however, continues to deny that this is true.

While Wilson and his colleagues want to kill health care reform by promoting such vitriol and untruths, 18000 Americans will no longer have health care by end of the day tomorrow. By the end of the year, more than 8-thousand will die due to lack of quality coverage and more than 1-million will go bankrupt due to the cost of health care.

These are the facts that the President said make this a national imperative. Every day we delay the problem gets worse. So far this year, more than 300-thousand American's lost their health care.

While the Republicans were content to jeer, wear signs, stand and waive their Health Care Proposals, which are more about protecting the status quo--the situation over health care in America grows worse. The Republican response to the Presidents speech is to ask for a "do over". A "do over" is not a solution or a realistic proposal of any sort. It's a delay tactic they want to use to kill reform.

They complain about not being at the table of negotiations but they are the ones who entered 168 amendments to the House Bill and they are the ones that have been saying if the bill says "public option" we won't support it. They in essence took themselves away from negotiations.
It's too late to reset the debate or the bills. American's can't wait.

The President assured his base, moderates, Americans and conservative (if you want to call them that anymore) Republicans that he will not stop. He held his hand to the other side of the isle and they called him a "liar". You can't negotiate with people who won't hear or listen to you while they are crying to be heard.

The President's speech brought a lot of people together last night. Meanwhile, the Republican's and their supporters decided to isolate themselves and showed the world who they really are...the party who only party with themselves, no one else is invited.

The game has been changed and the President is winning, while the Republicans are content to just keep whining.

Tomorrow: When does it make sense to stop.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama: Time to Stand Up

While the President spoke to school kids today about taking responsibility, we notice that tomorrow night he may be saying to the same thing to congress. His message to them, I think will be is that it's time to take responsibility to pass health care reform and include a public option.

The Republicans and the extreme right have been pushing the President around since this debate began. They pushed hardest in August to the point of ridiculousness. Their arguments of socialism, communism and then indoctrination have now been found to be totally without any merit and nothing but demagoguery.

Tomorrow night the President will get on the podium and say that "enough is enough" its time to do the peoples business and pass health care reform. The people have been waiting for nearly 40 years and the time is now. Time to get rid of the ability of health insurance companies from denying coverage and canceling policies. It's time to stop the upward climb of medical costs and premiums that are hurting Americans and American businesses. It's time to provide affordable health care for everyone.

The President has to tell the Republicans to "run with the big dogs or get back on the porch". They either have to become part of history or let history remember them as the ones who opted out in the debate to provide health care for all Americans.

I propose that we on the left consider a little give and take to get a bi-partisan bill through congress. We will trade, tort reform and the selling of insurance policies across state lines for a public option. This would put the Republicans in a quandry. They are adamant about tort reform and interstate selling of insurance and if they vote against the bill they would be voting against their own interests. Deep down they know that there will be a public option, either now or later and they need to get over it.

If not public option, then they should expand medicare to cover the unisured, unemployed and anyone over 45. Why 45? Because the odds of getting a serious illnesses after 45 years of age goes up dramatically. Illnesses that are bankrupting America.

In a study released a couple of weeks ago, it was found that insurance companies deny coverage 30% of the time. That means that for every 3 claims you submit, they will turn down at least one of them.

Another reason for the public option is to encourage competition. Did you know that in Alabama one insurance company serves 93% of all citizens, in Minnesota another serves 94% of it's residents. They can raise rates, premiums, deny claims, deny payments to doctors and cancel anyone they want to because they control almost all insurance and medical activity in the state. This, my friends, is not what America is all about. Yet, there are those in Congress and on the right that want to protect insurance companies who conduct business like this.

If you oppose Health Care Reform then you oppose what this country stands for, fairness and the ability for us to take care of other Americans. I mean, after all isn't that why our soldiers died in WWII...not just to stop tyranny but to take care of others at home by fighting in battle. Health Care is an American issue and to reform it is an American initiative.

So, tomorrow President Obama will stand in front of Congress and he will need to take off his gloves. Then he needs to come out punching. With every swing he needs to pound the message into his opponents and blue dog democrats...that they are responsible for the well being of this country.

He has to lay down the law and tell them that it's time to stand up and get Health Care Reform done.

Tomorrow: Critique of the President's speech to Congress

Monday, September 7, 2009

Is The Freedom to speak fair?

There was a time when political speech on television required opposing views to be heard. If you have a political viewpoint, then the station had to provide an opposing viewpoint. The principle was called the fairness doctrine. This doctrine also held that local stations had to provide local access to citizens and limited ownership by the print media to own television stations in one market for fear that if a company owned both it would then control the ability of citizens to hear the truth.

Unfortunately, President Clinton, under pressure by the Republicans who had control of both houses of government signed a bill repealing the "fairness doctrine". This gave rise to control of the airwaves by the right wingnuts like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. It also gave birth to FOX News, a so called news network with an obvious right leaning slant. This network can provide a strong right wing point of view without fear of having to provide an equal voice to the other side.

Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity and the Bill O'Reilly's of the world can spew any myth, lie, hatred or inciteful message without fear of retribution or opposing view. Since the 1990's repeal of the "doctrine", the vitriol has gotten worse and I believe it is solely responsible for the polarization of the electorate.

For example, when Glenn Beck goes on his show he goes to a white board, writes words on a board--links them together and without any evidence, just decides that they all point to socialism and our current President. There's no evidence or supporting facts to backup his claims due to the fact that there is no fairness doctrine anymore and since he is not accountable to anyone he doesn't have to worry about providing the opposing view a platform.

Beck just recently tied Van Jones, FDR and other Democrats to communism--again no evidence just his unchecked opinion. Jones, who is well known for his work with people around the country-- helping the unemployed, the less powerful and communities in states all over. His pet project has been to help create green jobs.

Somehow, Beck decided that Van Jones work was not noble and his efforts to help get the green economy going was not to his liking. So, he smeared him. True, Van Jones signed onto a "truther" petition. Jones made a mistake in penning his name to it but it doesn't diminish his continuing work and dedication to help Americans.

Of course Beck and others like him don't much care--because their agenda is to destroy liberals--not just the good ones but even the great ones like President Obama. Maybe the Fairness Doctrine will not come back but if something isn't done to hold these right wing spouters of misinformation accountable...the result will not be something we want to witness. It's time to hold them responsible for their rantings.

Maybe we need to bring back fairness and accountability to the media again...before it is too late.

Tomorrow: It's time

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The President speaks, the right tries to shout him down.

When Ronald Reagan wanted to speak to our school aged students, Americans told their kids to sit and listen.

When George Bush Sr spoke to our kids, parents welcomed him into the classroom.

When George Bush Jr read "My Pet Goat", on 9-eleven, the room was quiet and kids clung to his words.

However, when our first black President offers to speak to our kids about the value of education, the necessity of staying in school and not quitting. Parents who listen to talk radio and Fox News threaten to keep their kids at home. The take over of the GOP by extremists who are making up the "indoctrination" story are trying to strike fear in the hearts of every American.

It reminds me of Michelle Bachmann who said that the Obama administration had set up concentration indoctrination camps around the country under the name of Americorps. Americorps was started in 1993 and was refunded by George W Bush. More than 540,000 people have served in it. It was designed in the likeness of Peace-corps. The idea was to help communities in the United States in need. They help in areas like these:

  • Tutor and mentor disadvantaged youth
  • Fight illiteracy
  • Improve health services
  • Build affordable housing
  • Teach computer skills
  • Clean parks and streams
  • Manage or operate after-school programs
  • Help communities respond to disasters
  • Build organizational capacity
There are about 75,000 openings for volunteers every year. Those who apply and are selected can earn up to $5000 in scholarships to pay for college.

However, Michelle calls it a socialist organization set up to indoctrinate members. She is against it, even though it is supported by both Republican's and Democrats. However, all extremists on the right are opposed to it. People like Bachmann, Michelle Malkin, Limbaugh, Savage and Hannity continue to use it as a tool to spread untruths and scare their viewers. Truth is, Bachmann's son is a member and is working to help communities--so how scary is it really?.

Now, the President wants to deliver a "pep talk" to school kids, hoping they will stay in school and work hard to succeed. Here is a President who knows the value of education and he wants to encourage others to succeed.

The right wing-nuts will have nothing of it. The say he is trying to indoctrinate kids and that this is just the beginning...they say the President plans to have other indoctrination sessions. So, they put their spokespersons, Fox News an right wing radio hosts on the airwaves and scream "indoctrination" in hopes of shouting down the President's message. They took the idea right out of the Town Hall playbook and are working to silence the President.

These right wing extremists are doing everything they can to bring down this President. The GOP is not stopping them nor are they saying anything against their agitation. By staying quiet they are validating this nonsense.

The President has a right to speak, the same right everyone in this country has. There used to be a time when the President spoke everyone listened. Now, in the country where the right wing has taken control of the airwaves, they have chosen to disrespect the office of the President and are now trying to suppress his message to the public.

The last time I heard of the freedom of speech being abridged by a political organization was back in the 60's, in Russia. The other night a man, at a town hall meeting, and others tried to shout down a woman in a wheel chair from speaking...when the man was asked why, he said he didn't go to the meeting to hear her opinion and felt that hearing her opinion violated his right to free speech.

I know, it doesn't make sense but nothing they are doing right now is making sense. If this keeps up, the right wing will be working hard to suppress everyone's right to speak because after all that is the America they are saying they want "back".

Tomorrow: Do we need the fairness doctrine?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't jump now, the wind is at your back!

He was floating in the middle of the ocean. Alone, surrounded by sharks. In his hand he had a map, his crew had abandoned him and his closest allies had distanced themselves from him. But Captain Jack Sparrow, a pirate, still had his broken compass, a dingy with a small sail and the treasure map. His spirits were high and his hopes were even higher. He lifted his finger to feel the direction of the wind and mumbled to himself,"Yes, I'm going in the right direction."

That's what it must feel like to President Obama right now, he believes he is headed in the right direction, the wind is at his back and history is propelling him forward. However, there are progressives who are close to jumping ship because they believe that the President is now abandoning the campaign promise to get health care for all.

If you look back at history, since the 1930's no Republican President has ever started or finished any social reform whatsoever. FDR did Social Security, LBJ did Medicare and Obama is trying to get Health care for all. What did the Republican's accomplish in relation to social change? The only thing I can think of is HMO's, the creation of Managed Health Care by Richard Nixon, which has led us to the point we are in right now. In the last 10 years that system he promoted and helped create has increased costs by more than 120%.

Progressives, right now is not the time to jump ship. If you jump ship now and Obama loses this fight for health care reform, then his will be the weakest presidency since Carter. The right has lost respect for the President and is doing everything in their power to diminish the strength of the office. They use secessionist battle cries, they yell at town hall meetings to squelch opposing views, they demonize the office and cry that they "want their country back".

When they go on TV and say that the President's speech to our children is going to have hidden code words that will subliminally indoctrinate kids--what they are saying is, we don't want a black man for president. They do this regardless of the fact that they lost the election and he still polls at 60% popularity.

If you jump ship and try to bring in another candidate, you will fracture the party--more than it already is and you will guarantee a Republican President in 2012. Another Republican radical, because the GOP no longer has moderates in their party. Eight years of someone more radical and political than George W Bush. Think about it.

Obama is not fighting the GOP, he knows he can't count on them for anything, right now he is fighting with the moderates and "blue dogs". He is trying to find something that the entire party can support, both left and middle. Even if Obama, in his heart, wants single payer or a public option, he knows that the middle of his party and the GOP will fight him over it. Progressives have a huge voting bloc but they do not have the majority. Realistically, the moderates and independents are the most powerful bloc.

Sure, your feelings are hurt but we all have to fight for what we can get and we have to support the President and Democratic party, otherwise we may find Jeb Bush in the White House with Karl Rove at the helm--again.

What do you think will top the agenda of any Republican President? They will move to kill Medicare. If the President does get a bill passed and it's weak...he will need four more years to strengthen it, if not, any Republican President will work to repeal it or weaken it even further and forever destroy any hope for health care coverage and reform for Americans.

Don't jump ship! Go man the cannons, pull out your swords and get ready to board the ship of those who would oppose any meaningful health care reform and lets fight for as much as we can get. Then let's hold on to it with everything we've got.

Monday: The Presidents right to speak infringed

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stimulus: How stimulating is it?

Nearly 6 million people are unemployed as the sun goes down today. More than 500,000 jobs have been created since the beginning of this year. The GOP is saying, "that's not enough".

Eric Cantor, a leading GOP Senator says that there is about 600 billion dollars of stimulus yet to be spent but seeing that only half a million people are back to work due to the stimulus, the program needs to be stopped and all the money returned to the treasury.

All cities around the country that are making plans to start or complete projects with stimulus money would be asked to stop what they are doing and figure something else out. Those unemployed getting extended funds would be told that, due to Eric and the GOP, they will no longer be getting unemployment checks.

Oh, if you are a worker that is back to work because of a stimulus funded project, "fuggedaboutit", the GOP is pulling funding and you will be back on the streets without income or unemployment checks. If your city has bridge falling into the river, let it fall because that money you were depending on to fix that bridge--well the GOP is putting an end to your plan.

Remember that the President originally wanted more than a trillion dollars in the stimulus bill. The GOP fought back and he settled for 700 billion dollars. A nearly 30% cut. Remember the "cash for clunker program", the GOP cut that originally requested 4 billion to 1 billion, then they had to back track due to popularity of the program and pass a bill to re-fund the program another 2-billion dollars.

The Wall Street Journal, a typically conservative newspaper, reported that economists are saying that the 3% growth we saw in the economy last quarter was due to stimulus funded initiatives. Further, they say if not for the stimulus, growth would have been at zero percent.

The first quarter of this year the GDP fell at 6.4%, during the second quarter it fell only 1% and now we are seeing a 3% growth in GDP. What has caused this to be so dramatic? There are four reasons. First, the bank bailout. Second, Tarp. Third, the stimulus package. Fourth, new regulation efforts including oversight and market to market rule changes.

In essence, these factors are leading to the stock market to climb out from the hole it fell into. Job creation, though small is getting bigger. Retraction of the economy is slowed and there is a report out that large companies are hiring again.

It's not the stimulus alone that is accounting for some of the good news in the economy but it is playing a pivotal role. When you hear people complain about bank bailouts and TARP keep in mind that those were programs started by the previous administration and you don't hear Eric Cantor complaining about them, do you? But the stimulus for ordinary citizens to go back to work, a Democratic initiative for building and fixing things, that's different. For some reason, the GOP considers that program to be a crime.

While we have not seen all the TARP money returned, we are seeing some positive cash flow from some of those loans. Of the money that has been paid back, the Federal Reserve reports that interest on those loans have included 14-billion dollars in interest.

Is it all good news? Of course not--not yet anyway. But for a Senator and other GOP members to call for the stimulus to be halted and money put back into the treasury is just "tomfoolery".

It doesn't hurt the GOP Senators to call for a halt to the stimulus, they have jobs. It only hurts Americans who are going back to work for an honest day's pay on projects that are good for this country. For the first time in a long time they have the ability to feed their families and provide a lifestyle that get's injected back into the economy.

Now, that's stimulating!

Tomorrow: Time to Jump Ship?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

And it breathed it's last breath, or so they said.

The burly man from South Carolina drove the nail deep into the lid. He smiled at his handiwork and then, for good measure, he drove a final nail into the lid again. He and his friends looked at the dusty wooden coffin and gave their final goodbyes to their nemesis, The Public Option. That's when I woke to find that this vision or dream is only wishful thinking to some.

I read a small news story yesterday that said the White House was leaning against the Public Option. Why? What had gone wrong? The President had his big fish but totally lost control of it and it fell back into the river. He blew it. He had it by the tail and let the "big" one get away.

Is that how it's going to be remembered. In the future when Americans find themselves without health care or find themselves going bankrupt because a family member got cancer and they cannot afford to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in health care costs--they will just kick themselves. We had it in our grasp and President Obama, the right wing and moderate democrats let it get away.

The President had a choice...go out and present a bill for congress to debate or let congress debate and come up with a plan that he could help negotiate. He chose the latter but by doing that he also gave up control of the debate. Poison pills submitted by the Republicans and watered down amendments turned the tide against what could have been a beautiful thing.

The conservatives and ideologues on the right are afraid of the public option from a totally ideological viewpoint because they still live in fear of communism or socialists hiding in the dark ready to pounce and steal their wallet. Old fashioned thinking is dooming the prospects of moving into the 21st century.

The United States ranks near the bottom of the industrialized world when it comes to providing quality health care. We also rank near the bottom when it comes to life expectancy. What is the correlation of life expectancy and quality care? Right wing ideologues don't understand the correlation but let me explain.

If you take a look at mortality rates, it is a widely accepted that access to quality health care plays a role for the rate in each individual country. The ten countries with the highest mortality rate are mostly in African. The top 10 reasons for death are, and these are in order of highest to lowest:
  1. 12.6% Ischaemic heart disease
  2. 9.7% Cerebrovascular disease
  3. 6.8% Lower respiratory infections
  4. 4.9% HIV/AIDS
  5. 4.8% Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  6. 3.2% Diarrhoeal diseases
  7. 2.7% Tuberculosis
  8. 2.2% Malaria
  9. 2.2% Trachea/bronchus/lung cancers
  10. 2.1% Road traffic accidents

What are the factors which lead to these results:

  • Age of country's population
  • Nutrition levels
  • Standards of diet and housing
  • Access to clean drinking water
  • Hygiene levels
  • Levels of infectious diseases
  • Social factors such as conflicts and levels of violent crime
  • Amount and quality of health care available
Notice the last factor relates to health care. However, if you look closely you will see that 6 of the 8 factors all relate to health care. Nutrition is part of health care, diet is part of health care, drinking water is part of health care, hygiene is part of health care, infectious diseases is also health care and of course the amount and quality of health care drives everything. The United States ranks 46th among industrial countries in life expectancy, many of the factors you see listed are relevant in this country.

Private insurers base their decisions on two things...profitability and actuary tables that measure risk. Keep in mind what insurance is based on; the shifting of risk from the consumer to the insurer. What they charge you is based on actuary tables and if they feel you are too high of a risk, they will turn you down. Thus, the need for a public option that will not turn down anyone.

The need for a public option or single payer government funded health care system is needed, otherwise those who really need coverage won't get it and guess who will pay their hospital or doctors bills? The Taxpayer.

Now the White House is considering scuttling the Public Option, even though a majority of American's favor one. Is this to get GOP votes? No, the GOP has already said it will not vote for any reform, even the co-op plan that was discussed earlier last month.

The reason for the scuttling is to appease centrist democrats, those "blue dogs", to get their vote in the Senate through reconciliation. The "blue dogs" are the obstructionists to final passage and if a bill does pass without the public option, then the liberal wing of the democratic party will work hard to unseat them in 2010 or run negative ads admonishing them for quashing the public option.

So, take out the nails of that coffin and give the Health Care Option some CPR -- but to let it die without a fight is a mistake that all of us will pay for, for a very long long time.

Tomorrow: The Stimulus: Success or Bust?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thank our Grandma

"They're gonna pull the plug on grandma" exclaimed the Senator on a hot August day to a crowd of people there to chant, rant and ask questions. Then a few days later when Senator Grassley was asked on MSNBC if he would vote on the Health Care Bill if some Republicans joined him, his response was the "death" kneel to bi-partisanship. He said that if he could not get more than 4 republican votes for the bill then he would vote against it. He was then asked if he would vote against it even if the liked the bill? He replied that he had responsibilities to his party to vote against it, even if he liked it.

Senator Enzi, one of the so called "gang of six" who the President mentioned was working on a bi-partisan bill, indicated this weekend that he would not vote for the bill under any circumstances. Today, the President's press secretary says Obama was surprised that bi-partisanship was a now nearly an impossibility. While, moderate and "blue dog" democrats wanted bi-partisanship, the left wing of the party did not believe the Republicans were negotiating in good faith and the events of August proved that point.

After the President met with Tom Daschle, he made it clear that the Democratic Party would end up going this alone and using reconciliation if they had to. Now it is all too clear, there will be a Health Care Bill--one with Democrat stamped all over it.

How did it come to this? What forces caused this to happen? The hijacking of the Republican party by demagogues and extremists have propelled this result forward. This was inevitable. I saw it coming a couple of weeks ago, when Grassley put bi-partisanship on it's final theory is now coming to fruition. What is my theory? Well, here goes.

It all started in a backroom before the Health Care Debate became front and center. Republican party leaders met in a room to discuss their direction. Now, there are no camera's or recordings of the event to back me up but I believe the discussion and meeting did take place. The question before these leaders was, "how do we thwart Health Care Reform for all?".

Then the plan was hatched.

Look, one of he leaders said, the Dem's want bipartisanship as a hallmark of this bill right? All agreed. Then let's offer amendment after amendment, water down the bill so it is more to our liking. Then when the watered down bill comes up for a vote, we all vote against it--even if we like it--we vote against it. Then when the Dem's push it through, watered down by our amendments, we take credit for it. That's right, we tell the people that the bill that they passed was a Republican crafted bill and if it hadn't been for us, the bill in it's final form would never have been forged--thanks to the help of our "blue dog" brothers. Our popularity will go up, the left will abandon the President and the "blue dogs" will go down in flames come the election in 2010. The left wing will doom the "blue dogs"--after all why vote for a "blue dog", you might as well have a Republican in that seat. The people in the room looked at the unnamed Senator and smiled. "Brilliant!" they all exclaimed.

In fact, the poison pill in the bill was on about page 435 of the House bill, submitted by a republican about reimbursement for doctors if they have the conversation about end of life issues, such as living wills. Sen Issakson, Republican is the one who submitted the amendment and everyone on the committee voted for it. Not one Republican dissent--wonder why?

It was part of the plan. In fact, when "killing grandma" was front and center of the town hall debate, Issakson was no where to be found to support his own amendment. He kept quiet about it. Not a peep.

Read the news...see as the events are moving in accordance with the Plan. However, the "grandma" death panel crowd was not something these backroom planners expected and are the now the reason why this "brilliant plan" might be unraveled by the Democratic leadership. The plan, while brilliant, was working until they pushed too hard in August.

Right now, we are where we are and the plan is struggling.

Some Republicans are already starting to crack, some even calling for the President to start over, others saying they will repeal the legislation. Senators McCain, McConnel and others are asking for a restart, a redo, they are hoping a referee throws a flag and they get the down over. My sense is that those reasonable Republicans who covered themselves with ideological rants are now indicating that the "plan", while brilliant, is failing and they may get left out of being part of a historic bill.

There is hope that there will be a vote in September. I think those same back room Senators are huddling over another plan--this time on how to stop the shift in pubic opinion which will surely come when a strong Democratic only bill is passed.

If the bill is strong then everyone will win, including Republican constituents--but GOP leaders are in a backroom right now, planning and plotting...trying to come up with another "brilliant" plan to thwart the vote because no one deserves health care unless an insurance company provides it. The bad news for them is that the August is over and so are the town halls.

How do we get back control of the Health Care Reform initiative? All Democrats have to do is pass a strong public optioned bill and reduce the 168 republican amendments as much as possible. Then they push the bill through using reconciliation and see how many Republicans take the high road when it passes.

If there is a vote to filibuster, then let's watch the filibuster live on TV. Then watch public opinion turn on the conservatives for being an obstacle to health care reform, reduction of premiums and unimpeded coverage for all.

Tomorrow: Is the Public Option really dead?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Texas Secession: Slavery Reborn

When you look at the title of this blog I am sure you have to rub your eyes and ask, "Say what?". Hear me out because if you think that those Texas politicians and Governor demanding secession, or raising the possibility, don't know what they are talking are correct. The scary thing is that if they do know what they are talking about, then Americans need be very concerned.

A little history: In the 1800's, Texas was actually part of 6 countries. However, when the United States purchased Louisianna...the government claimed that the purchase also included Texas. Meantime, Mexico was the official governing country over Texas and had to deal with a revolution of sorts but it finally quelched it and released Texas to self-governance drawing the border at the Nueces river. Crossing the border was liberal but the only thing Mexico did not tolerate was slavery. However, when the people below the Nueces found that owning slaves was against the law...they revolted. The problem for Mexico was that the United States, feeling obligated, entered into the battle and sent troops across the Nueces to do battle with Mexico. After some skirmishes, Mexico sold the property down to the Rio Grande to the United States for 18-million dollars. The U.S. Government cried "sold" and paid the tidy sum. Now you would think that was the end of things...not to be.

The people of Texas, mostly rich white land owners, politicians and citizens were not happy with the Northern states wanting to outlaw slavery. So, they joined the Confederate states and succeeded from the Union. Thus, the battle cry of secession was made and has been made by politicians in Texas ever since.

People like Governor Perry, who has now started a secession organization and others, like Tom Delay, who supports Perry's effort to have Texas leave the United States, all have an ulterior motive. A motive that should create some real concern because, as I showed earlier, secession originally was supported by Texas residents due to the desire to continue the practice of slavery. When you hear a politician cry "succession" he is crying "slavery". The word secession is like the phrase "states rights"--both code for slavery, Jim Crow and segregation. Texans who are taking up the secession mantle don't understand the history of secession in Texas because if they did they would immediately stop and jump off that bandwagon.

Candidate for Governor Deborah Medina should be ashamed for not knowing the secessionist history of Texas. She went to the rally this weekend and said secession would lead to a "bloody war", apparently something she supports. She seems to forget that Mexicans who lived in Texas in the 1800's, before succession were 2nd class citizens and suffered discrimination and in some cases slavery conditions. I think if she knew what she was for, she would abandon it and apologize to her family because they are ancestors of those who have lived under those slave-like conditions of the past.

Only about 250 people showed up at the Secessionist rally in the Texas capital this weekend but they were 250 people who want to secede because they didn't like the results of the election in November 2008. They also carried "Hitler" signs describing our President, which leads me to believe they are historically challenged because if they knew what "Hitler" really did--they wouldn't be carrying those signs. There were also "tea-baggers" and "birth-ers" --another disenchanted group of malcontents--whose unhappiness smacks of racism.

It reminds of a time back in the mid 80's, when a Texas farmer was arrested when illegal aliens were found living on his property. He wasn't arrested for housing them, he was arrested because he provided a trailer on his property to house three families...had them work off the rent in his fields and overcharged them for food and water thus they would never be able to pay their debt...then he had the gall to surround their trailer with a locked barbed wired fence. He was arrested for engaging in "slavery". Though the aliens were here illegally they were families searching for a dream and hoped of good things to come. The land owner saw an opportunity to exploit them and enslave them...much like plantation owners in early American history.

Is this what the secessionists are clamoring for? A return to the 1860's ... a time that has been a stain in Texan history and politics. If they would take a hard look at what they are asking for then maybe they would reconsider but I am sad to say--I think they know exactly what they are asking for. It's all in the code.

Tomorrow: My Theory on why Republicans want a solely Democratic health care bill passed.
This is the introductory blog. For those of you who are looking for something of substance here, you will find it. For those of you looking for a conciliatory tone, please go somewhere else. Politics of the day will be touched, not only with opinion but factual substance. If you are going to use my comments or information--feel free to quote me but if you are a reporter, please do some work of your own and verify my information before going on the air with it or the printed page. I am given more latitude than a reporter, so don't be lazy, work on it first.

Well, begins. I will be working on the topic of the day tonight--so look out for my post tomorrow--the topic will be Texas Secession: Slavery Reborn. Good night.