Monday, August 31, 2009

Texas Secession: Slavery Reborn

When you look at the title of this blog I am sure you have to rub your eyes and ask, "Say what?". Hear me out because if you think that those Texas politicians and Governor demanding secession, or raising the possibility, don't know what they are talking are correct. The scary thing is that if they do know what they are talking about, then Americans need be very concerned.

A little history: In the 1800's, Texas was actually part of 6 countries. However, when the United States purchased Louisianna...the government claimed that the purchase also included Texas. Meantime, Mexico was the official governing country over Texas and had to deal with a revolution of sorts but it finally quelched it and released Texas to self-governance drawing the border at the Nueces river. Crossing the border was liberal but the only thing Mexico did not tolerate was slavery. However, when the people below the Nueces found that owning slaves was against the law...they revolted. The problem for Mexico was that the United States, feeling obligated, entered into the battle and sent troops across the Nueces to do battle with Mexico. After some skirmishes, Mexico sold the property down to the Rio Grande to the United States for 18-million dollars. The U.S. Government cried "sold" and paid the tidy sum. Now you would think that was the end of things...not to be.

The people of Texas, mostly rich white land owners, politicians and citizens were not happy with the Northern states wanting to outlaw slavery. So, they joined the Confederate states and succeeded from the Union. Thus, the battle cry of secession was made and has been made by politicians in Texas ever since.

People like Governor Perry, who has now started a secession organization and others, like Tom Delay, who supports Perry's effort to have Texas leave the United States, all have an ulterior motive. A motive that should create some real concern because, as I showed earlier, secession originally was supported by Texas residents due to the desire to continue the practice of slavery. When you hear a politician cry "succession" he is crying "slavery". The word secession is like the phrase "states rights"--both code for slavery, Jim Crow and segregation. Texans who are taking up the secession mantle don't understand the history of secession in Texas because if they did they would immediately stop and jump off that bandwagon.

Candidate for Governor Deborah Medina should be ashamed for not knowing the secessionist history of Texas. She went to the rally this weekend and said secession would lead to a "bloody war", apparently something she supports. She seems to forget that Mexicans who lived in Texas in the 1800's, before succession were 2nd class citizens and suffered discrimination and in some cases slavery conditions. I think if she knew what she was for, she would abandon it and apologize to her family because they are ancestors of those who have lived under those slave-like conditions of the past.

Only about 250 people showed up at the Secessionist rally in the Texas capital this weekend but they were 250 people who want to secede because they didn't like the results of the election in November 2008. They also carried "Hitler" signs describing our President, which leads me to believe they are historically challenged because if they knew what "Hitler" really did--they wouldn't be carrying those signs. There were also "tea-baggers" and "birth-ers" --another disenchanted group of malcontents--whose unhappiness smacks of racism.

It reminds of a time back in the mid 80's, when a Texas farmer was arrested when illegal aliens were found living on his property. He wasn't arrested for housing them, he was arrested because he provided a trailer on his property to house three families...had them work off the rent in his fields and overcharged them for food and water thus they would never be able to pay their debt...then he had the gall to surround their trailer with a locked barbed wired fence. He was arrested for engaging in "slavery". Though the aliens were here illegally they were families searching for a dream and hoped of good things to come. The land owner saw an opportunity to exploit them and enslave them...much like plantation owners in early American history.

Is this what the secessionists are clamoring for? A return to the 1860's ... a time that has been a stain in Texan history and politics. If they would take a hard look at what they are asking for then maybe they would reconsider but I am sad to say--I think they know exactly what they are asking for. It's all in the code.

Tomorrow: My Theory on why Republicans want a solely Democratic health care bill passed.

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