The gurney made very little noise as they wheeled me away...down the hall...the breeze...and then they wheeled me into a room. It was cold and had plenty of lights. There was about 3 people in the room and doctor had not arrived yet. He did see me earlier when I was getting prepped. They moved me to the operating table...and then began the sedative...and had me count backwards...100...99...98...
The Cat Scan is not too bad. They had me drink this stuff...and I am one of the few people in the world that actually likes the drink. There was a lady in the waiting room that had been sipping the contrast drink for about an hour and they were worried that she may have to start over again. I drank mine quickly and I was ready for the Scan. They took me to a room in the back and put me in this room. It was loud but not too annoying. They took the pictures they needed...piece of cake.
As I lay unconcious...a robot called the DiVinci whirred and zipped in and out...cutting and probing...slicing and dicing. My doctor sat in a cube like thing...using joysticks to manuver the device to cut...go inside my body...cutting...cauterizing and removing 25% of my right kidney. Removing a 1.5cm tumor that ended up being a malignant cancer. I was forever changed.
Now 4 years later, Cancer free...I went for my yearly check up in March 2012. My usual xray and ultra sound. I have had so many xrays and ultrasounds that I have lost track of which was which. Here I was in the Urologists year would be my last test. The year before I had to pay for it out of pocket, even though I was unemployed because I would rather risk the financial hit than not keep up with the tests. One year later and $1600 (I am paying monthly)...another test--this time I have insurance. I am in my doctors office and he is going to come in and once again give me a clean bill of health and send me on my way. The door opened and he smiled, greeted me and began to speak.
Part 3 Tomorrow...
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